Guidelines – Must Haves For A Ride

4. Guidelines Regarding “Must Haves” For A Ride

You will find that cycling in a group is great fun but different from cycling on your own. To enjoy your ride in safety we would ask that you observe the following points when on a Stourbug ride:-

As a minimum, every member should carry:-

  • A spare inner tube, (two are recommended) to suit the diameter of the wheel fitted to your bike and the width the tyre fitted to your bike. Please also consider any recommendations made by the manufacturer of the tyre, wheel or bike.
  • Puncture repair kit.
  • Pump.
  • Tyre levers.
  • Spanner/allen keys where your bike does not have quick release/thru-axle fittings.
  • Drink, food and money for emergencies.
  • Mobile phone to use in an emergency or to contact the ride leader.
  • Address, telephone contact number and a list of your medication.
  • Suitable clothing to deal with the weather expected during your ride.
  • A suitable bag or container to carry the above items.

Stay Safe. Happy Cycling.